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Sample of Publications


Mangadu T., Gallegos, R., Arredondo, N., Robinson, N. V. (2020)., Strategic partnerships to address intersecting mental health, substance use disorder and HIV/AIDS disparities shaping violence in underserved US-MX border communities. The American Public Health Association. San Francisco, CA.


Robinson, N., Econometrically Modeled Impacts of Science and Engineering Graduates on the National Economy. (2014)  51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting. 10.2514/6.2013-299

Robinson, N., Project Based Learning in Spacecraft Design. (2013)  49th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, 10.2514/6.2013-4017

Robinson, N., Hill, S. (2013) Project Based Learning in Spacecraft Design. 49th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, 10.2514/6.2013-4017


Robinson, N., Choudhuri, A.. Institution and Community Wide Approach to Engineering Workforce Development. (2012) 48th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, 10.2514/6.2012-3884



Development of a Torsional Thrust Balance for the the performance evaluation of 100mN-5N class thrusters. (2011) Jesus Flores, Marjorie Ingle, Nathaniel Robinson, Ahsan Choudhuri47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, 10.2514/6.2011-6016


Ingle, M., Flores, J., Robinson, N., Choudhuri, A. (2011). Development of a Torsional Thrust Balance for the Performance of 5-N Class Thrusters. ITEA Journal, 32: 159-166

Navarro, C., Betancourt, J., Sanchez, L., Robinson, N., Choudhuri, A. (2011) Development of a Multi-Purpose Optically Accessible Rocket Combustor for Liquid Oxygen and Hydrocarbons. 47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference. AIAA.

Robinson, N., Choudhuri, A. (2011) Bridging Industry Best Practices in Project Management and Safety Assurance to Academic Propulsion Research. 47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference. AIAA.

Trejo, A., Garcia, C., Robinson, N., Choudhuri, A. (2011). Development of a Carbo-Thermal Rig to Study Cryogenic Heat Transfer Characteristics. 9th Annual International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference.

Robinson, N., Ramos, C., Jara, J. (2007) An Enterprise Perspective on IPv6 Transition Mechanisms. “Annual Review of Communications." IEC. ISBN 1-931695-59-8




Impact of Scientists and Engineers on the National Economy, Invited talk at 51st Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Jan. 2013.  


Regional Capacities in Advanced Energy Engineering Research and Development. Invited talk at the 2012 ReEnergize the Americas Conference. RAC, 2012. 


Institution and Community Wide Approach to Engineering Workforce Development, Presentation on a paper at the 48th AIAA ASME SAE ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference. AIAA, 2012. 


Search for Water in the Universe, Invited public lecture at Science Café, 2012. 


Importance of a Motivated Teacher to STEM Education, Requested keynote for Teaching the Next Generation Education Conference, 2011. 


Bridging Industry Best Practices in Project Management and Safety Assurance to Academic Propulsion Research. Presentation on a paper in 47th AIAA ASME SAE ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, 2011. 


Enterprise Perspective on IPv6 Transition and Usage, Invited talk at the Utilities Telecommunications Conference, 2007. 


Microwave Transmission Engineering, Invited talk at the Utilities Telecommunications Conference, 2006. 



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